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Your tax-deductible donations are very much needed and greatly appreciated.

You can honor someone special by designating a gift in their honor or memory. Make a lasting tribute to a friend or relative and at the same time help to restore our historic cemeteries.

Memorial Gift Button - Cemetery Preservation Group, Inc. preserving historic cemeteries.
Donate Online Here



Checks and Money Orders 
can be mailed to CPG, PO Box 2341, Selma, AL 36702-2341 
Your generous support will help fund projects like:​

1. Cleaning, Stabilizing and Leveling Grave Markers

2. Repairing Broken Markers and Closing Open Graves

3. Repairing Brick Retaining Walls, Gates and Fences

4. Removal of dead trees, tree trimming and                      replacement as well as other key landscape features

5. Replacing Division Signs, adding Interpretive     Signage and Accessibility Features as needed.

6. Lighting, Safety and Security Issues 

7. Evaluation and mitigation of drainage and         erosion problems.

8. Purchasing Supplies and Tools 

Our staff is made up of volunteers so 100% of your tax-deductible donation goes to repairing and preserving these historic cemeteries. It is important that we preserve these cemeteries for future generations so they can learn about their history and heritage.


Tax-Deductible Donations:

  1.  Online donations using a credit card, debit card or PayPal please click on the "Secure Online Donation" button.  Online donations are securely processed by PayPal and your tax deductible receipt is immediately available.

  2. Checks or Money Orders may be mailed to us at:
    Cemetery Preservation Group, Inc.
    PO Box 2341
    Selma, AL 36702-2341

  3.  In addition to monetary donations, we are also able to accept tax deductible bequests, devises, transfers or gifts. Unwanted burial plots can also be donated.

These cemeteries are sources of priceless personal and historical information that must be preserved for future generations.

Thank you for your help in this most important mission.

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