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Calling On All Selma & Dallas County Area Alumni

We desperately need your help!


Decades of neglect have been compounded by 68 city employees being laid off last November so the three cemeteries in Selma, for the first time in 200 years, are in deplorable condition.


On top of all of the repairs that are needed, now the grass has become a major problem. Most of the 50+ acres of grass has to be cut with push mowers and weedeaters because of the close spacing between grave markers.
Many wonderful volunteers, and yes some in there 70’s and 80’s, have been trying to help with the grass. To say it is a monumental task is an understatement.

PLEASE consider making a tax-deductible donation

to help out with grass cutting and the many other needed repairs.


Any amount, whether it is $5 or 5 thousand, is much needed and appreciated.

Donations can be made at:

Cemetery Preservation Group Inc. is a 501c3 nonprofit organization dedicated to the restoration, preservation and protection of historic cemeteries. Our work in the Selma cemeteries will be ongoing for the next 3 to 5 years. Our staff is made up of volunteers so 100% of your tax-deductible donation goes to maintaining, repairing and preserving these historic cemeteries.

The Alabama Historical Commission has reviewed our detailed plans and has approved our work permits for all three cemeteries.

D2 Biological Solution is approved for cleaning grave markers.

If  you would like to clean a loved ones gravestone.

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