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Many individuals have been working in the cemeteries cutting grass, trimming shrubs, picking up litter, limbs and leaves on a regular basis and I know that all of Selma is grateful for these volunteers and the example they have set. We are hopeful that they will continue their efforts and we want to assist them by implementing an Adopt-A-Plot program until city workers can be rehired. Please click on the Flyer to the right and print it out. Take it to church, civic groups, fraternal organizations and any place good people are found.

Adopt-A-Plot is a program we have agreed to take on and try to manage so that the grass is cut on a routine basis and litter, limbs and leaves are taken care of.  We will need many church, civic and other organizations to volunteer to help with this effort.

Some families that still live in Selma, and are healthy, prefer to take care of their own plots which is great. Many of the deceased no longer have family in our area or their family members are physically unable to cut the grass.

The City routinely provided grass cutting in the cemeteries since they were first established but due to circumstances beyond our control that has suddenly stopped. We must pull together as a community to maintain these cemeteries to the best of our ability out of respect and common decency for those who are buried there. Please consider adopting a plot within one of our three cemeteries to help keep the grass under control. Adopt-A-Plot is designed so that individuals or groups can participate.


These historic burial sites are sacred and must be preserved as they contain much historical information about our forefathers.

Select a cemetery below that you can help with:

Adopt-A-Plot Program

Flyer Final With Tear-Off.png
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Cemetery Preservation Group, Inc.  - 501(c)3 Non Profit - EIN: 83-4387686

PO Box 2341

Selma, AL 36702-2341                                          © 2024                                                                              Visit Us On Facebook 

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